Monday, April 18, 2016

From leeches on your privates to holes in your skull to release demons, we count twelve of the worst doctor cure2.bp.blogspot.coms throughout history!


12 – Bloodletting and Leeches: Bloodletting was a common medical procedure prior to the Nineteenth Century.  It involved flushing out bad ‘humors’, which are black and yellow bile, blood and phlegm.  In the middle Ages you could get this done by your local barber-surgeon right after a haircut and some light dentistry work. Several bloodletting methods involved drawing blood from veins and arteries using barbaric tools, but leeches were the most popular method.  The French were particularly mad for this; during the 1800s, they went through forty million leeches a year.  They attached them to patients’ arms, legs, torso and other more sensitive areas. Leeches were tied to a silk thread, lowered down a person’s throat and reeled in like a fish.  They were also applied to women’s vaginas to relieve uterine disease, sexual excitement and general ‘hysteria’.  British gentry had their wives leeched every two weeks. Sometimes leeches wound up lost inside female patients, which certainly didn’t help with the old ‘hysteria’.  However, doctors in these cases didn’t sweat it because they were sure the leech would ‘find its way out eventually’.
11 – Mercury Poisoning: The silvery liquid Mercury was once used to treat everything from scraped knees to constipation.  Its side effects were indistinguishable from the symptoms of syphilis, which it was commonly used to treat. We now know it’s extremely toxic and that mercury poisoning comes with a laundry list of symptoms.  These can include chest pains, heart and lung problems, tremors, muscle spasms and psychotic reactions like delirium, hallucinations and suicidal tendencies. Find a new high, kids.  Mercury can kill you!
10 – Trepanation: Trepanation is a treatment for mental illness that began 7,000 years ago.  It involved making a hole in the skull using an auger, bore, or saw to relieve headaches, mental illness, or even demonic possession. With no knowledge of brain chemistry, ancient doctors believed the mentally ill had literal demons living inside their heads, so holes were drilled into patients’ skulls to allow these spirits to escape.  The horrifying thing is that anesthetics weren’t used in a lot of these cases. The practice still goes on today for a small number of strange and misguided folks.  These days a single small hole is sometimes made in the skull to treat brain hemorrhaging after severe head trauma.
9 – Impotence Shock Therapy: Impotence is one of the most embarrassing problems a man can face … or so I hear.  Throughout history, men with uncooperative little guys have searched desperately for something that can cure their bedroom woes. With the late Nineteenth Century invention of electricity, men and their frustrated wives hoped the new technology could take them straight to Boner Town.  Doctors devised a range of devices and products designed to get penises to stand to attention.  These included electrified beds and complicated ‘cock-shocking’ electric belts.  Just the thing to set the mood! Other strange treatments for erectile dysfunction have included testicle implants, radium suppositories, ingesting Spanish Flies, drinking frog juice and stimulating blood flow with wasp stings and spider venom. 
8 – Female Hysteria Treatments: According to Nineteenth Century doctors, female moodiness is a symptom of a very serious medical condition called female hysteria. Any woman who displayed symptoms like nervousness, chattiness, unwillingness to talk, irritability, or disobedience towards their supreme overlord Victorian husbands was ordered to have a doctor-administered vaginal massage until their hysteria subsided.  You’re right – the Nineteenth Century’ s idea of treatment does sound suspiciously like molestation! The list of symptoms for female hysteria was so long that literally any ailment could fit its diagnosis.  Doctors eventually invented the vibrator to alleviate hand strain.
7 – Pain and Rotational Therapies: As the Treasurer of the Mint, signer of the Declaration of Independence and author of various medical textbooks, Benjamin Rush was America’s most beloved, trusted doctor. His biggest contribution was in the area of psychiatry.  Rush believed pain and suffering had curative powers, so patients paid him actual money to beat, starve and verbally abuse them – all in the name of medical science! His torturous practices also included pouring acid on their backs, cutting them with knives and keeping wounds open for months or even years to encourage ‘permanent discharge from the brain’. Rush also believed mental illness was caused by poor circulation to the brain, so devised something called rotational therapy, where patients were twirled from ropes suspended from the ceiling for hours at a time.  He was one sick creative bastard. 
6 – Cocaine Cures: Cocaine is a symbol of Eighties excess, but it may surprise you to learn that it was originally used medicinally. In 1884, Austrian ophthalmologist CarlKoller somehow discovered that placing cocaine on a patient’s cornea temporarily desensitized the eye to pain, making eye surgery less risky. When word of his discovery spread, doctors realized that cocaine could be used as an aesthetic for all kinds of procedures.  Scepticswere initially concerned about the drug’s addictiveness, but doctors scoffed, claiming it was no more addictive than tea or coffee. By 1900, Americans could walk into any pharmacy and purchase a gram of pure cocaine for twenty-five cents.  The drug was mixed into everything from wines to soft drinks to cigars.  Companies offered hypodermic needle skits so patients could inject themselves from the comfort of their own homes. Cocaine was additionally prescribed for hemorrhoids, indigestion, appetite suppression, fatigue, shyness and toothaches.  Even kids got in on the craze until, by 1902, up wards of 200,000 Americans were addicted.  The addiction became an epidemic, and states and local governments were forced to intervene.  Good times. 
5 – Urine Therapy: Forget rest, nutrition and exercise; an alarming number of cultures and people throughout history believed wallowing in urine was the key to good health. Urine therapy was said to cure an extensive list of ailments and promote good health if drank, applied to the skin or used to give a nice … bracing … urine enema.  I wonder if vomit has any good health properties. Because I can feel my breakfast coming back up! The sad part is that even though all of these purported benefits have been disproved urine therapy is still practiced today.  Even peeing on a jellyfish sting has no scientific benefit, so keep it in the toilet or on tree trunks.
4 – Insulin-Coma Therapy: Insulin-coma therapy came about entirely by accident when a Viennese doctor named Manfred Sakel accidentally overdosed a patient oninsulin overdose in 1927.  The patient, who was a morphine addict, fell into a deep coma and awoke to discover that her addiction – and probably eight percent of her brain capacity– had disappeared. Sakel tried this again on another unsuspecting patient and found similar results.  He was soon inducing insulin comas to schizophrenics and other patients.  Some claimed to be cured of their afflictions, but that was probably just the brain damage talking. The dangerous therapy caused several casualties and was finally phased out in the 1960s.  Sakel wouldn’t have been happy.  I mean, if you want to make an omelet you’ve got to break a few eggs.  Right?
3 – Hot Iron Treatment for Hemorrhoids: In the Middle Ages, it was not uncommon for disease sufferers to pray to patron saints for divine intervention.  During the Seventh Century, an Irish monk named Saint Fiacre became the patron saint for hemorrhoid sufferers. He developed hemorrhoids from digging in his garden but was one day cured after accidentally sitting on a pointy stone.  The stone is still around today and hemorrhoid sufferers visit it hoping for a similar cure. News of the miracle travelled until medieval physicians conceived the idea their white-hot cautery irons to treat the problem.  Pulling and scratching them out with fingernails was another widely used solution. Eventually a Twelfth Century Jewish physician named Moses Maimonides wrote about his disapproval of the surgery and instead recommended the sits bath, which is still the most common treatment for hemorrhoids today. 
2 – Extreme Hot and Cold Therapies: For centuries, heat has been used to cure mental diseases.  In fever therapy, fevers were induced by hot baths, electric heaters, and even deliberate infection with malaria. Before penicillin, it was the most effective way to treat syphilis, but patients had to be closely monitored as it came with a pretty high risk of death. Extreme cold therapy was the inverse therapy and was just as dangerous. Patient’s receiving this treatment were sometimes refrigerated three days at a time at temperatures as low as 20° F below a normal, healthy body temperature. Hydrotherapy was another risky treatment that bears little resemblance to today’s relaxing equivalent.  Common in the early Twentieth Century, hydrotherapy patients usually suffered mental disorders and wrapped like mummies in towels that’d been soaked in icy water.  Other times they were strapped with restraints in a cold tub for days at a time or sprayed with high-pressure water jets – sometimes while bound in a crucifix position. 

1 – Lobotomy: Finally, we have everybody’s favorite mental illness cure, the lobotomy.  The lobotomy was developed by Portuguese neurosurgeon Egas Moniz, who was inspired by tales of a violent monkey that had become docile following the removal of its frontal lobe. He theorized the frontal lobe was the source for mental illness, so cut it out of his human patients.  The surgeries were a success – relatively speaking – and lobotomies became widespread.  Moniz even received the Nobel Prize for his efforts in 1949. In the US, Dr. Walter Freeman made a lucrative business out of driving around the country in his ‘lobotomobile’, providing on-the-spot lobotomies to anyone who wanted them.  Sometimes this was schizophrenics, other times bored housewives. Dr. Freeman’s barbaric technique involved inserting an ice pick into the eye socket and swirling it around to ‘disable’ the frontal lobe.  Because his surgical technique was dangerously imprecise and his equipment was unsterile, Freeman was basically a drive-by serial killer. Fortunately the lobotomy faded into medical obscurity and modern-day brain surgery is a lot safer.


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