End of the World 2015 September: Wiped out by an Asteroid?
There is a lot of media attention for a prediction
circulating on the internet. Conspiracy
theorists claim that our civilization will be wiped out by an asteroid between
September 22 and 28. This does remind me of the prediction in 2011. In 2011 the end of time prophet Harold
Camping predicted that the end of the world was near. Throughout the world was announced by
billboard son May 21 the world would end.
But nothing happened. He said: Sorry, he added “Don’t take things too
literally”. LOLBible Researchers believe
there will take place a rapture. The
people who believe in Jesus Christ will be taken up to heaven in an instant.
According to some conspiracy theorists the Illuminati will, the alleged founder
of the New World Order, gain power over the world after the impact of the
asteroid. Some think that the
catastrophe will be put in motion by the Large Hadron Collider of CERN. One blogger predicted: “The logo of CERN is
666, the sign of the beast in a circle.
The particle accelerator is similar to the all-seeing eye or a Star gate.
”Who do you think is right? The bible belie Bers, Illuminati conspiracy
theorists or is this a load of crap. I
want to read your thoughts in the comment section. For more information please
visit http://globalnews4u168.blogspot.com
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